SiOnyx Shows 1mlux Imaging

Vision System Design: SiOnyx has shown its IR sensors at this year's SPIE Defense and Security Symposium in Baltimore, MD:

Comparison at below 1 mLux for a Best in Class CCD (left)
and SiOnyx XQE-1310 1.3MP 10um pixel imager (right).

According to Dr. Martin Pralle, VP of Business Development at SiOnyx, all the XQE sensors feature a 72dB native DR and an on-chip HDR feature that allows up to 120dB DR to be achieved. To date, the company has not yet openly published the spectral characteristics of these devices but, Pralle says. All Pralle would say was that at approximately 1064nm, the devices exhibited a QE approximately ten times that of standard CMOS image sensors. For night-vision applications, the US Army recently tested the SiOnyx XQE-1310 sensor in its labs and confirmed imaging at 1 mLux (1×10-4 Ft-candles).

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