Movidius on Future of Imaging

Wired: Movidius CEO Remi El-Ouazzane publishes an article on future technologies in mobile imaging. The main points are:
  • Always-On Mobile Computer Vision Systems Coming Soon
  • Advanced camera topologies and novel image sensors; specifically lightfield cameras and array cameras.
  • Depth-enabled applications: enable next-generation applications such as Bokeh effects; background substitution in video conferencing; computational refocusing; improved gesture recognition; and image relighting using depth.
  • HDR video. A key element of HDR still imaging and video is to compress the dynamic range using tone mapping.
  • Stereo 3D imaging.
  • Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM): Mobile applications take advantage of the SLAM capability to map and navigate in complex unknown indoor environments.
  • Eulerian video magnification to reveal hidden information. All manner of micro changes in video streams to be magnified and observed, from the flow of blood as it fills the face to the movement of babies.
  • Sensor metadata: For example, multiple sensors (microphone, GPS, accelerometer, compass, etc.) can augment the cameras while network can supply rich semantic information

Thanks to DM for the link!

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