Fujitsu Announces Milbeaut ISP in SuVolta Process

Fujitsu announces the 7th generation of its Milbeaut ISP, featuring SuVolta DDC low power process. Other than the new process, the ISP features a newly developed circuit for correcting focus drop-off at the edges, an improved distortion correction and purple fringing countermeasures, improved noise filter, has a processing speed of 12fps at 24MP (said to be twice the speed of the previous generation), supports JPEG-HDR, a JPEG-compatible HDR format from Dolby Labs, and can do H.264 encoding/decoding at 1080p30 or 1080i60 rate.

Getting back to SuVolta process, DDC stands for Deeply Depleted Channel transistors and claims to achieve power saving and/or speed-up in more-less standard bulk CMOS techniology:

A 4.5-min long video explains SuVolta's basic claims:

The basic claim is a reduction of transistor variability by about a factor of 2:

In theory, these ideas could bring a new life to current-mode image sensors that traditionally suffer from high PRNU due to Gm variations. The regular 3.3V transistors have stddev Gm variations of 1-2% per area, depending of the fab, process, and device type. Reducing it down to 0.5-1% per could make current mode pixel more competitive.

For those who have more time, there is also a 3-part lecture in Stanford University introducing DDC technology and comparing it with FinFET and other approaches (part 1, part 2, part 3):

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