More on SMIC CIS Business

SeekingAlpha published SMIC earnings call transcript with few more details on the company's image sensor business in Q&A session:

Eric Chen, Daiwa Capital Markets:

Also you talk about the CMOS, the image sensor business quite strong. And the node the Omnivision just invest the Wuhan fab. And so I'm wondering the business you talking about the CMOS image sensor is now related to the Wuhan business or any of the business relationships going forward you will have with Omnivision?

Gareth Kung, SMIC CFO:

Our CIS business is really on own without any relationship with the Wuhan fabs. Actually we are – we actually announced earlier that we have already in the BSI technology and I think right now, customer didn’t tape out and we are going to see some revenue towards the end of the year.

Eric Chen, Daiwa Capital Markets:

Okay, so can I assume that when you talk about CMOS sensor business quite good, let’s not talking about Wuhan site.

Ty Chiu, SMIC CEO:

It’s not anything related to Wuhan.

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