Bloomberg on Sony Image Sensor Business

Bloomberg published a popular article on Sony image sensor business. Here are the main statements:
  • Sony has captured almost a third of the $7.6B image sensor market.
  • Sony’s revenue from the image sensors gained an estimated 30% last year.
  • About 80% of the imaging sensors Sony produces are sold outside the company, said Masahito Takeda, a spokesman for Sony.
  • Most of the 10.9B yen ($111M) operating profit last quarter from Sony’s device division was generated by image sensor sales, Deutsche Bank estimates.

The article also quotes interesting TSR market data:
  • Global shipments of the imaging sensor will probably grow to 3.14B units this year
  • Sensors made by Sony sold for an average of $7.30 each, almost four times the $1.93 that Samsung got for similar chips, based on 2012 unit sales and revenue estimates by TSR
  • Sony’s revenue from image sensors rose to $2.45B in 2012 from $1.89B a year earlier, garnering 32% of the global market
  • Omnivision ranked second with 14.4%, followed by Samsung at 12.9%.

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