Pixpolar Receives EC Seal of Excellence Award

Pixpolar was awarded European Commission’s Seal of Excellence. Certificate delivered by the European Commission,as the institution managing Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2014-2020. Following evaluation by an international panel of independent experts Pixpolar Oy was successful as an innovative project proposal.

A year ago, Pixpolar Oy received the funding from the first round of Horizon 2020 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) Instrument funding from EU for Phase 1 projects. In this round, the instrument received in total 2602 eligible project proposals, out of which 6% received funding. The toughest competition was within the Open Disruptive Innovation (Information and Communication Technologies) topic, where 3% of 886 eligible proposals received the funding. Pixpolar Oy was the only successful applicant from Finland under the Open Disruptive Innovation topic.

Also a year ago, Pixpolar Oy has received a support from TEKES (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation) for a demonstrator project.

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